Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 25th International conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology Rome, Italy.

Day 1 :

Keynote Forum

Marcel Van De Voorde

University of Technology, Netherlands

Keynote: Nano Science & Nanotechnology in a modern society

Time : 09:30-10:15

Conference Series Euro Materials 2019 International Conference Keynote Speaker Marcel Van De Voorde photo

Engineering degrees in physics and chemistry (Catholic University Louvain) and PhD in Technical Natural Sciences at University of Nancy, FR. Professor Louvain University, and University of Technology DELFT, visiting professor at Tsinghua (C0253hina), Columbia University (NY), Research Direction functions: CERN – Geneva, European Commission Research, Brussels (BE), Max Planck Institute Stuttgart (DE). Member of the Science council of the French Senate and National Assembly , Paris – FR President and member of multiple Research Councils and Governing Boards, worldwide. Trustee and Senator of the World Academy and European Academies of Science Co-founder and senior advisor to the CEO of IMEC “Nano & Micro Technology institute” Published in reputed journals, one nano-encyclopaedia, study books for MSc
and PhD’s


An overview will be given of the history and “State of the Art” and “Outlook for the future” of Nanoscience & Nanotechnolog. Former President Bill CLINTEN launched the initiative!! The presentation is focused on latest technologies and innovative concepts: Overview of NanoMateriuals Developoment: Synthesis, characterisation, properties, Overal spectrum of innovations and applications of nanomaterials in human health and health care: nanomedicine
(Cancer, Alzheimer) , nanopharma, nanodentistry, nanocosmetics and nanofoods advanced innovations in information and communication technologies: nanoelectronics, photonics and magnetics in industrial applications: nano-energy, transport (car without driver0, in clean chemical industries for environmental engineering Nanotechnology and Daily life: Protection of Industrial Workers and Society - Ethics, Toxicology, guidelines for safe handling, Economics, market prospects & Societal Impacts, Nanomaterials education, The presentation will close by giving the highlights of the European Commission 2021–2027 Nanomaterials programme.

Keynote Forum

A.I. Archakov

Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Russian Federation

Keynote: Molar concentration welcomes avogadro in postgenomic analysis

Time : 10:15-11:00

Conference Series Euro Materials 2019 International Conference Keynote Speaker A.I. Archakov photo

Professor, Scientific Advisor of Institute of Biomedical Chemistry,He was born January 10, 1940, in Kashin, Kalinin (Tver) region – scientist, biochemist. A.I. Archakov had organized a scientific school to study molecular organization and functioning of oxygenase cytochrome P450 containing systems, molecular mechanisms of the structure and function of membranes and biological oxidation. Under the guidance of A. I. Archakov, the institute’s members have developed a fundamentally new pharmaceutical composition “Phosphogliv” with antiviral activity for the treatment of liver diseases of various etiology. A.I. Archakov’s present-day/current areas of expertise relate to research in the field of post-genomic technologies, nanobiotechnologies, proteomics and metabolomics. A.I. Archakov is the pioneer in the development of
proteomics in Russia. Currently, he is the international “Human proteome” project coordinator in Russia/ the coordinator
representing Russia in the international “HP” project (


The researchers working with high-throughput methods of genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics reconsider the concept of concentration and evaluate the data obtained in the number of copies of biomacromolecules. Measurement of copy number reflects a steady trend in increasing the sensitivity of postgenomic analytical methods, up to the level of a single molecule. In this paper we review the physical meaning of the terms "molar concentration" and "Avogadro’s number" to establish a relationship between them. The relationship between the molar concentration and the number of copies of that same macromolecule in a certain volume is set through the reverse Avogadro’s number, the value of which (≈10-24 Ðœ) characterizes the molar concentration of a single molecule in 1 liter. Using the reverse Avogadro’s number, we deal with situations in analyzing homogeneous biological solutions and heterogeneous cellular material.